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The Light Community of Figueira, affiliated with the International Humanitarian Fraternity (FFHI), has adopted its Compliance Program, in effect since December 2021.

This program aims to ensure compliance with the laws and ethical principles that permeate the activities of the Light Community of Figueira and the other associations affiliated with the International Humanitarian Fraternity (FFHI).

The program of Compliance of the Fraternity (FFHI) is based on a Code of Ethics and Conduct, so that all collaborators, volunteers, affiliates, partners and those who have any type of legal, institutional or commercial link with the Humanitarian Fraternity (FFHI) and/or its affiliated associations take it into consideration when carrying out their activities.

On December 18, 2021, members of the Light-Communities, Light-Nuclei and other affiliates of the FFHI received training in the Compliance program, provided by Dr. Matheus Puppe, responsible for the implementation of the program.

Some of the principles of this program are:

  • Equality
  • Independence
  • Impartiality
  • Neutrality
  • Transparency
  • Respect for the law
  • Morality
  • Care for collaborators
  • Respect for Human Rights

What is Compliance?

The term ‘Compliance’ means “to be in accordance with” acts, standards and laws, to commit to integrity. In the corporate sphere, an organization “in compliance” is one that, by strictly complying with and observing the legislation to which it is subject, and applying ethical principles in its decision-making, preserves its integrity and resilience.


Find out about the main subjects of the Code of Ethics and Conduct

Find out about the main subjects of the Code of Ethics and Conduct

Complaints Channel

Through this tool, it is possible to combat the risk of fraud, as well as other categories of operational risk, maintaining an ethical, transparent and vigilant conduct in relation to the activities carried out throughout all hierarchical levels of the Light-Community of Figueira, and ensuring the respect for and fulfilment of good corporate governance and compliance practices.

Whenever any collaborator of the Light-Community of Figueira, in good faith, suspects or witnesses any behavior that is contrary to the precepts described in its Code of Ethics and Conduct, they must report internally so that it can be promptly and objectively investigated, taking into account the reasonableness of the communication.

Reports may be made anonymously and the principles of confidentiality and non-retaliation will be respected for those reports made in good faith.

For this, an Ethics Channel and a specific department of Compliance have been established.

The email address of the Ethics Channel is: