Category: Light-Community of Figueira

The Light Community of Figueira, affiliated to Fraternidade - Humanitária (FFHI), held the meeting "Getting to Know Figueira for the First Time" in the areas of F2 and Terras do Sol, on the 9th, 10th and 11th of June. The participants, from different regions of Brazil, got to know in practice the daily life of the Light- Community.
This was the first meeting of this type, inaugurating a new cycle in which people have the opportunity to experience the Light Community.
"The proposal is to show who we are, what we do, how our rhythms are and how life is organized in Figueira", highlights Rosmari Saltoratto, one of the organizers of the meeting.

Activities such as: organization of spaces, vegetarian food, singing with music and mantras, visits to other areas of the Light-Community, prayer practices and also the restorative shower in the open air, made up the meeting's schedule.
Participants experienced group life, in which the common good unites each individual task and thus contributes to unity. Audrey Santos, who came from São Paulo for the meeting, highlighted: "For me, this interconnection was very clear, while one does one thing, the other does another, and everything comes together, everything is for everyone".
Another participant, Carlos Alberto Moraes, from Rio de Janeiro, revealed: "When I arrived here in Figueira, the feeling I had was that I was arriving home, I went home, and it was great, because as soon as I arrived at the gate I felt that impact, that emotion".

All those interested, over 18 years old, who want to participate in the next meetings can contact the Approximation Sector by email, or through the website
The meeting is free and spontaneous donations are welcome, so that other people can also have the same opportunity, and so that the Light-Community may always be sustained.