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Seven Encounters, Seven Petals, Seven Colors: Continuing training of the Tibetano Park School team seeking new expressions in the educational context

Category: Education, art and culture

Between the 5th and 17th of April, the pedagogical team and management of Tibetano Park School participated in an experiential seminar entitled “Seven Encounters, Seven Petals, Seven Colors”, an Introduction Seminar to Pedagogy 3000 and the School of the 7 Petals, with a Gestalt and Systemic focus. The course was taught by Silvana Guerrero, visual artist, teacher and facilitator of pedagogy 3000, 4000 and 5000, and co-founder of "Escuela Generativa Semilla" (in San Luis, Argentina), together with Ivy, resident of Light-Community Figueira and Gestalt psychologist.

The program included several experiential activities that provided the school team with tools to construct pedagogical proposals that cover the integral development of the being and the different types of human intelligence.

Highlighting the importance of self-care, all meetings began with breathing practices and body warming. Afterwards, each theme was worked on using artistic tools that provided a dive into self-knowledge, under the principle of Gestalt Isomorphism: the group built mandalas, puppets, collages, and various artistic pieces. After construction, the author of each work contemplated their creation for a while, observing what it conveyed to them.

The Seminar also presented tools for conflict resolution, based on Assertive and Non-Violent Communication, knowledge that is very useful in the current school context. “If I am precise in listening to you, I will know you, if I am precise in speaking to you, you will understand me” (Fritz Perls) – declared a poster displayed on the wall of the room. Using theatricalization as a tool to “Realize”, the group carried out theatrical activities representing conflict situations, and together they sought solutions to resolve them.

The meetings culminated with the presentation of the School of 7 Petals, a pioneering methodology that seeks the integration of all aspects of human consciousness: development in the physical, articulated cognitive, social and multicultural, aesthetic, ecological, productive and personal fields. With a holistic view of the integral human being, the team was formed to develop school projects that span all these fields.

The activities also helped to strengthen unity among team members. “The Seminar brought me a feeling of unity as a teaching staff, and a joy in sharing this mission of making the new school emerge” – Shared Manuela Menezes, Science teacher at Tibetano Park School.

“It was the beginning of a creative and collaborative process that allows students to experience learning in an updated way and in tune with their essence and their gifts in these times of new challenges. I am hankful and committed to continuing to accompany this great team at Tibetano Park School.” shares Silvana Guerrero.

Thus, the seminar enabled an expansion of the educational and training perspective. The Tibetano Park School team concluded the training journey renewed by the knowledge gained, and with a great mission ahead: to deepen the construction and flourishing of an education that welcomes and further develops diverse human potential.

The Tibetano Park School is part of the services offered by Light on the Hill House, affiliated with the Fraternidade - International Humanitarian Federation (FIHF). It does not charge monthly fees, being supported by spontaneous donations and the organization of events held by families. 
You can help support the school! Contact us:
(35) 99700-3049 - Joana 
(35) 99860-9727 - Simone

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Tibetano Park School Presentation
Our School flourishing

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